Finally, signs of spring are appearing. Baseball fans are hunting for new spots to watch MLB games. Families are making Easter brunch plans. Cool kids are plotting their Coachella trips. And everyone wants to get out and shake off that cabin fever. That’s where these 12 April promotion ideas for bars and restaurants come in. You’ll show customers why your place is the best place for a taste of spring…
Fresh Air Anyone? 3 April Promotion Ideas Good Anytime This Month
1. Beach, Please. Everyone Needs a Spring Break.

You could fly your customers to Ibiza. Or just give them the feeling of spring break with a week or month of beach-themed April promotion ideas, events, and specials. Tap into the crowd’s competitive side with hula hoop and limbo contests – maybe even a bathing suit competition if that’s your vibe. Ask your bartenders to sport Hawaiian shirts and set up a pop-up tiki bar (bonus points if you add a little sand on the floor). By the way, tiki drinks are seriously trending and show no signs of stopping.
2. Take it Outside for Patio Opening Day
If the weather gets into the 60s and 70s, it’s time to open your patio! Be ready with April promotion ideas to celebrate this monumental occasion. Host a party on the patio complete with games like an outdoor cornhole “throwdown” and specials on any of these 26 spring-focused cocktails. If you don’t have a patio, consider taking it outside: A report by Fast Casual found that restaurants and bars with outdoor seating enjoy up to 30% more revenue.
3. Be Their Home Base with April Promotion Ideas for MLB Season!

Hit a homerun with baseball fans by promoting gameday specials like a “relief pitcher” 2-for-1 pitcher special. Emphasize why your bar or restaurant is their ultimate homebase. Could you set out freebies like peanuts and cracker jacks? Do you have other games fans can play – like on-demand trivia?
Another way to tap into America’s greatest pastime is to sponsor a local little league team or an adult softball team. You’ll benefit from having your logo plastered on their t-shirts, and the team will likely head to your business to celebrate a victory (or drown their sorrows after a loss). You can also brainstorm exclusive April promotion ideas just for your sponsored team and their supporters. This will help ensure they show up to your spot after their games!
April Promotion Ideas for Specific Holidays This Month
4. Fools Will Rush into Your Restaurant or Bar for Fool’s Day on April 1st…
…Especially if you invite them in for a special menu of practical jokes (that taste good, of course). For inspiration, check out these 10 fake out foods. Our favorite is the meatball sub: the buns are pound cake, the meatballs are really just scoops of ice cream, and the cheese sauce is a white chocolate whipped cream.
Want more April promotion ideas for Fool’s Day? Think about events like hiring a local comedian or running an open mic comedy night.
5. The Best April Promotion Ideas for New Beer’s Eve on the 6th and National Beer Day on the 7th

This holiday is no joke for beer lovers! After suffering through Prohibition for 13 years, Americans got their first taste of legal beer on April 7th, 1933 at 12:01. That means April 6th is New Beer’s Eve and the perfect holiday to capitalize on as a bar or restaurant with April promotion ideas. You could host an event that mimics New Year’s Eve, but with a beer-centric twist. We’re talking about a ceremonial countdown to midnight, at which point a keg of beer is tapped, and everyone gets to say cheers to another year of beer…
6. Some Bunny Gonna Love These April Promotion Ideas for Easter Weekend

First of all, don’t limit your Easter brunch to just Easter Sunday. Consider making it an ongoing event throughout April.
Now, let’s be honest. It’s not an Easter brunch without a big bunny. Everyone from families to groups of friends love getting pics with the bunny. So yes, you need to rent or buy a costume and someone has to wear it. Why not name your bunny and create a hashtag that incorporates your bar or restaurant name?
But don’t stop there with your April promotion ideas. Do an Easter egg hunt around your restaurant – both indoors and out. Fill plastic eggs with coupons good for the month ahead.
7. Prep Your Restaurant and Bar Promotions Now! Tax Day is April 15th
“Let’s party, it’s Tax Day,” said no one ever. While April 15th may not be cause for celebration, you can still kick off April promotion ideas like a “happy hour extension” that goes until close. Or, price your specials based on basic tax forms like $10.99 entrees or $10.40 pitchers. Be sure to alert local media about your promotions: it’s common for news media to create lists of all bars and restaurants offering Tax Day deals. For ideas, check out these 12 popular tax-related freebies and deals.
8. Drink Your Vegetables!?! Mushroom Day on April 16th is a Chance to Try Weird April Promotion Ideas…
…And by weird, we’re talking about a mushroom-infused cocktail. For some reason, mushrooms are making their way into drinks – from martinis to this intriguing recipe for a mushroom-spiked Old Fashioned.
9. National Garlic Day is April 19th and That Stinks (in a Good Way)

Want the easy way out with your April promotion ideas? Just whip up a special garlic-focused menu for the week of April 19th. Or, do something that could potentially go viral, like a #garlicchallenge. Ask your chefs to create their most garlic intensive menu item possible and challenge patrons to finish it.
10. Do Some Good with Your April Promotion Ideas on Earth Day, April 22nd

You’ve ditched plastic straws, started a food waste program and invested in a few energy-efficient appliances. So, make some noise about it with your April promotion ideas.
Work with a local graphic designer to create an “infographic” that shows how your bar or restaurant is doing its part to help the planet. Then, put that infographic on Facebook and “boost” it to reach a target audience that you choose. Showcase your earth-friendly good deeds on your own TVs through affordable digital signage software, too.
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11. Arbor Day is the Last Friday in April…Ya Dig?
Right on the heels of Earth Day, comes Arbor Day. This eco-friendly holiday has a singular mission to inspire your April promotion ideas: plant trees! It’s a great opportunity to earn positive press for your bar or restaurant. Join the official Arbor Day foundation – the total cost is just $15 for one year – and you’ll receive 10 free trees. Then hold a special event for customers to join in planting those trees. And treat them to complimentary appetizers and drink specials afterwards.
12. On April 26th, Pass the Pretzels

Last but not least on this list of April promotion ideas is a Seinfeld-approved holiday: National Pretzel Day. You could go big and serve up giant soft pretzels with a trio of dipping sauces. If you run a bar that serves a younger, active crowd that can move their bodies into human-like pretzels…how about running a Twister competition? Finally, it’s the little things that count. Set out complimentary pretzels at the bar.
And that’s a wrap on 12 out-of-the-box April promotion ideas. Here’s hoping those April showers bring a flood of guests rushing into your place…