According to QSR Magazine, loyal customers spend 67% more than new ones. With that information in mind, it’s easy to see why you should make getting regular customers a priority at your bar! But how can you turn new customers into customers who come back again and again? It’s easy—if you follow these few tips!
Get a great loyalty program.
The right customer loyalty program can give your customers incentive to keep coming back. When you offer customers rewards, of course they’ll come back often! Whether you use an old-school punch card or a social media based loyalty program, these programs can turn customers into regulars.
Buy one, get one free offers.
Here’s why buy one, get one deals work: they encourage your existing customers to bring in friends. And if those friends end up being fans of your bar? It looks like you found some regular customers!
A great happy hour.
When it comes to building goodwill, a killer happy hour is the best way for your bar to do it. If your bar can offer awesome deals and great drinks, you can convince customers to swing by often after work. And once you’re a part of their routine, you have regular customers you can count on!
Get social.
Why should customers be regulars at your bar instead of any other bar in your city? You have to offer them something special that they can’t get anywhere else. Giving customers something fun to do is one way to encourage them to come back often. With Buzztime’s OpinioNation, you can give customers a competitive game that makes hanging out with friends even more fun. The best part? You don’t even have to be a trivia whiz to kill it at OpinioNation—you just have to have the most popular answer!
Get personal.
One of the best ways to turn customers into regulars involves getting to know your customers. Learn their names and their favorite drink orders. Ask questions about their families and remember what you talked about the last time you saw them. Be genuinely happy to see and serve them! A real relationship is crucial when it comes to getting repeat customers, and a friendly attitude goes a long way towards developing that relationship.
It’s not all about new customers—regular customers are essential if you want your bar to succeed! Follow these tips to get more repeat customers. What do you do to get more regulars at your bar?
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